netty in action 读书笔记
The ChannelHandler and ChannelPipeline
The Channel lifecycle
The ChannelHandler lifecycle
When a ChannelInboundHandler implementation overrides channelRead(), it is respon- sible for explicitly releasing the memory associated with pooled ByteBuf instances. Netty provides a utility method for this purpose, ReferenceCountUtil.release()
Because SimpleChannelInboundHandler releases resources automatically, you shouldn’t store references to any messages for later use, as these will become invalid.
A powerful capability of ChannelOutboundHandler is to defer an operation or event on demand, which allows for sophisticated approaches to request handling. If writing to the remote peer is suspended, for example, you can defer flush operations and resume them later.
Whenever you act on data by calling ChannelInboundHandler.channelRead() or ChannelOutboundHandler.write(), you need to ensure that there are no resource leaks. As you may remember from the previous chapter, Netty uses reference counting to handle pooled ByteBufs. So it’s important to adjust the reference count after you have finished using a ByteBuf.
To assist you in diagnosing potential problems, Netty provides class ResourceLeakDetector, which will sample about 1% of your application’s buffer allocations to check for memory leaks. The overhead involved is very small.
java -Dio.netty.leakDetectionLevel=ADVANCED
Every new Channel that’s created is assigned a new ChannelPipeline. This association is permanent; the Channel can neither attach another ChannelPipeline nor detach the current one.
A ChannelHandler can modify the layout of a ChannelPipeline in real time by add- ing, removing, or replacing other ChannelHandlers. (It can remove itself from the ChannelPipeline as well.) This is one of the most important capabilities of the ChannelHandler。
ChannelPipeline pipeline = ctx.pipeline();
pipeline.addLast("handler1", firstHandler);
pipeline.addFirst("handler2", new SecondHandler());
pipeline.addLast("handler3", new ThirdHandler());
pipeline.replace("handler2", "handler4", new FourthHandler())
■ The default implementation of ChannelHandler.exceptionCaught() forwards the current exception to the next handler in the pipeline.
■ If an exception reaches the end of the pipeline, it’s logged as unhandled.
■ To define custom handling, you override exceptionCaught(). It’s then your decision whether to propagate the exception beyond that point.
■ Every outbound operation returns a ChannelFuture. The ChannelFuture- Listeners registered with a ChannelFuture are notified of success or error when the operation completes.
■ Almost all methods of ChannelOutboundHandler are passed an instance of ChannelPromise. As a subclass of ChannelFuture, ChannelPromise can also be assigned listeners for asynchronous notification. But ChannelPromise also has writable methods that provide for immediate notification: ChannelPromise setSuccess(); ChannelPromise setFailure(Throwable cause);
Why choose one approach over the other? For detailed handling of an exception, you’ll probably find it more appropriate to add the ChannelFutureListener when calling the outbound operation, as shown in listing 6.13. For a less specialized approach to handling exceptions, you might find the custom ChannelOutboundHandler imple- mentation shown in listing 6.14 to be simpler.